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Past tenses
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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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When I got to the swimming pool, I realised that I______(leave) my towel at home.
had left
While my father _______ a bike, he _____ two robbers run out of the bank. (ride, see)
was riding, saw
The phone ______ while David ______ a shower. (ring, have)
rang, was having
In the shopping centre, I met a friend who I_____ (not see) for ages.
hadn't seen
She _____(not travel) to Germany last month because of COVID-19.
didn't travel
I went to the library, then I_____(buy) some milk and went home.
When I______(get) to the airport I discovered I had forgotten my passport.
After I had eaten my lunch, I ________(play) video games on my computer.
Before I played football, I ________(finish) my homework.
had finished
When I _____ (get) out of the shower the lights _____(go off).
was getting / went off
They _______ off their bikes because they _______ too fast. (fall, run)
fell, were running
I left the house, ___________ (go) to the shops and bought some eggs
We________(chat) with our neighbour when the car accident happened in front of us!
were chatting
When I got up this morning, it ________ (rain) very hard.
was raining
I _______then I________ my teeth (get up; brush)
got up, brushed
We________ in trouble for arriving late because class _________(get; already start)
got, had already started
John _______ asleep while he _______ a book. (fall,read)
fell, was reading
When Alex ______, I _______ dinner. (arrive, have)
arrived, was having dinner