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People take their eggs to the top of a hill and roll them down. The first egg to get to the foot of that hill is the winner. This is the custom of.............
Egg rolling
It's afancy hat people wear at Easter
Easter bonnet
Easter eggs are often made out of this treat.
You can wish "Merry Christmas", how about Easter?
Happy Easter !
All the children go outside, even when it's cold. And they look all around . Everyone young and old. At Easter time- it's a big attraction. What do you call this strange action?
Easter egg hunt
It's cute and it hops. It's the Easter
People decorate an ..............tree
Children collect their eggs in a .....................
When do people eat hot cross buns?
On Good Friday
People eat hot cross ...............
On Easter Sunday children go on an egg..............
Om Maundy Thursday the Queen gives poor people ..........................
The Symbol of Easter is the Easter...............