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FCE Unit 3 - Revision

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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TALK FOR A MINUTE: Do you enjoy guided tours? Why? / Why not?
Your own answers
TALK FOR A MINUTE: What do you think the people enjoy about sightseeing?
Your own answers
TALK FOR A MINUTE: Why might this family have chosen this type of holiday?
Your own answers
TALK FOR A MINUTE: Why might this family have chosen this type of holiday?
Your own answers
The passengers were cross because the airline _______ (lose) everyone's bags.
had lost
I was delighted when I found my keys. I ______ (look) for them for hours. PAST PERFECT SIMPLE or CONTINUOUS?
'd been looking
Peter was Sally's best friend. She _______ (know) him all her life. PAST PERFECT SIMPLE or CONTINUOUS?
I usually go to my parents' house ____ Christmas. We eat turkey together ____ Christmas Day. AT? IN ? ON?
at / on
Lucy is arriving ____ February the 13th ____ eight o'clock ______ the morning. AT? IN ? ON?
What are you doing ___ the weekend? AT? IN ? ON?
I'm a bit ---------- about whether to take on the job, as the hours are pretty unsociable.(DOUBT)
Some TV shows are totally ---- for children. They mustn't watch them. (SUIT)
There is friendly ---- between the two teams. (rival)
I am so ---- that we are going to New York tomorrow. (excite)
My sisters are very ----. (ambition)
Business ____________ can be very tiring, especially with jetlag. TRAVELS ? VOYAGES ? JOURNEYS ? TRIPS ?
I hate the ____________ to work. The train is always crowded. TRAVEL ? VOYAGE ? JOURNEY ? TRIP ?
Now that they have retired, my parents ____________ a lot more. TRAVEL ? VOYAGE ? JOURNEY ? TRIP ?
I always 'used to worry / was worrying' if I made grammatical mistakes in English, but I couldn’t care less now.
used to worry
She was gazing out of the window, when the postman 'rang / used to ring' the bell.
It was total chaos when we ________ (enter) the sitting room – the children ________ (draw) on the walls and __________ (jump) up and down on the sofa.
It was total chaos when we "entered" the sitting room – the children "were drawing" on the walls and "were jumping" up and down on the sofa.
The detective ________ (ask) me where I ________ (head) in such a hurry on the night of the burglary.
The detective "asked" me where I "was heading" in such a hurry on the night of the burglary.