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Gerund or infinitive

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What's the difference? a. I remembered to call my friend b. I remember calling my friend.
a. I had to call my friend, and I did it b. I remember a time when I called my friend (it wasn't necessary to call)
She risked ______ (be) late.
I wanted ____ (go) alone, but Joe insisted on _____ (go) with me
to go, going
The police warned us _____ (not get) too close to the house.
not to get
I asked him ______ (explain) but he refused ______(say) anything.
to explain, to say
I can't stand ____ (drink) beer, so I always avoid ___(go) to the pub.
I can't stand drinking beer, so I always avoid going to the pub.
I'm learning ___(drive), and I expect ___(take) my driving test next month.
I'm learning to drive, and I expect to take my driving test next month.
Susan loves ____(sing), and she wants ___(have) a karaoke party on the last day of the course.
Susan loves singing/ to sing, and she wants to have a karaoke party on the last day of the course.
Sorry, I know I promised ___(pay) for dinner tonight, but I forgot ___(bring) any money.
Sorry, I know I promised to pay for dinner tonight, but I forgot to bring any money.
I've decided ___(go) back to university. I'm thinking about___(study) psychology.
I've decided to go back to university. I'm thinking about studying psychology.
I really hated ____(play) the piano, but my parents made me to go/ going/ go to lessons every week.
I really hated playing the piano, but my parents made me go to lessons every week.
I'm considering buying/ buy/ to buy a new car.
I'm considering buying a new car.
We told Susan ____(not talk) so much.
We told Susan not to talk so much.
My doctor advised me ___(take) more exercise.
My doctor advised me to take more exercise.
I'm hoping ___(marry) a billionaire, so I can spend more time to relax/ relaxing/ relax.
I'm hoping to marry a billionaire, so I can spend more time relaxing.
I don't enjoy ___(be) an accountant. I often dream about ___(become) a professional musician.
I don't enjoy being an accountant. I often dream about becoming a professional musician.
We just managed catching/ to catch the bus.
to catch
I hope you didn't agree lending/ to lend her any more money.
to lend
Most politicians are extremely skilled in/ on/ at ____ (speak) in public.
skilled at speaking in public
The directions she gave me were easy ___ (follow), so I was amazed ___ (find) that I still got lost.
easy to follow, amazed to find
Can you imagine ___ (be) famous and ___ (have) enough money to do whatever you want)?
being, having
I'm not responsible for/ to/ on ____ (break) the vase. It was Greg's fault.
responsible for breaking
David is good in/ at/ on _________(draw), but he isn't really interested in ___ (become an architect.
good at drawing, interested in becoming
We can't afford buying/ to buy a new car
to buy
I expect being/ to be home by 9 o'clock.
to be home