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Light Properties - 4ºBasico CCHACH

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Tissue paper is an example of: A) Transparent B) Translucent C) Opaque
B) Translucent
A window is an example of: A) Transparent B) Translucent C) Opaque
A) Transparent
These pictures are examples of: A) Refraction B) Dispersion C) Reflection
C) Reflection
This picture explains the: A) Refraction B) Dispersion C) Reflection
A) Refraction
What are Translucent objects? Explain.
Are things we can see through, but not clearly. Light does not pass through them completely.
What are Opaque object? Explain.
Are things we cannot see through them.
A desk is an example of: A) Luminous body B) Illuminated body
B) Illuminated body
A firefly is an example of: A) Natural light source B) Artificial light source
A) Natural light source
Flashlight is an example of: A) Natural light source B) Artificial light source
B) Artificial light source
Matches are an example of: A) Natural light source B) Artificial light source
B) Artificial light source
A candle is an example of: A) Natural light source B) Artificial light source
B) Artificial light source
What are the Artificial light sources? Explain.
Are those which emit light but are also man – made.
The sun, a jellyfish, the stars and a firefly are examples of Natural or Artificial light sources?
Natural light sources
What are the Natural light sources? Explain.
Are those which emit their own light and can be found in nature.
Name the two types of light sources.
Natural and artificial light sources
"The moon is an illuminated body." Yes or no?
Yes, it is, because the sun shines on it to light up.
What are the illuminated bodies? Explain.
They are objects or bodies that are lit by a luminous body (sun or another luminous bodies).
The Sun is: A) Luminous body or B) Illuminated body
A) Luminous body
Is a lightbulb luminous or illuminated body?
Luminous body
Are the stars luminous bodies?
Yes, they are.
What are the Luminous bodies? Explain.
Are bodies which emit light.
A Rainbow is formed due to: A. Refraction B. Dispersion C. Reflection
B. Dispersion
What are the Transparent Objects? Explain.
Are things we can see through easily, because light passes completely through them.
How does the light travel and propagate?
Light travels in straight lines and it propagates in all directions