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Wider World 2 Unit 7 revision

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Mum's laptop was ......................than the one in the shop. (cheap)
My bed isn't .................................as my sister's. (comfortable)
as comfortable
Wonderwoman was ................................... film I saw last year. (enjoyable)
the most enjoyable
The new supermarket is ....................... than the old one. (big)
Your book is ................... than my novel. (interesting)
more interesting
Oh no! I left my .......... in the shops. All my money and credit cards are in it!
Did you save money in a ............ bank when you were a child?
I bought this jumper last week in the winter ............ It was very cheap.
I think you gave me the wrong ........... I gave you 10 euros.
My little sister gets five pounds ............................ a week from our parents.
pocket money
We had lunch in the food ............ in the shopping centre.
I like ...................... stores because you can buy everything in one shop.
We bought so much food in the supermarket, the ............... was full and I couldn't push it.
The ......................wasn't working in the shopping centre so we had to use the stairs.
Where can you buy a p........ of boots? At the s....... s........
pair / shoe shop
Where can you buy a b... of chocolate and a magazine? At the n.....................
bar / newsagent's
Where can you buy a b........... of shampoo? At the p................
bottle / pharmacy
Where can you buy a b... of apples? At the g.........................
bag / greengrocer's
Where can you buy a l....... of bread? At the b...........
loaf / baker's/bakery
Where can you buy a b............. of flowers? At the f.................
bunch / florist's