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Physical Description Adjectives

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Complete the description based on the picture. Claire is a fortune teller at a circus/hospital.She is young/ old.She is short/tall and she is slim/plump.She has got short/ long , straight/curly brown hair and blue/green eyes.
Claire is a fortune teller at a circus. She is young. She is tall and she is slim. She has got long, curly brown hair and blue eyes.
Complete the description based on the picture. Sharon is a high school student/teacher. She is young/old. She is short/tall and she is slim/plump. She has got short/long , brown/black hair and hazel/brown eyes.
Sharon is a high school student. She is young. She is short and she is slim. She has got short, brown hair and brown eyes.
What part of the body do these words describe? Dark/light, rough/smooth, dirty/clean, hairy, spotty, wrinkled, etc.
What part of the body do these words describe? long/short, shoulder-length, straight, curly, wavy, permed, dyed, black, brown, blonde, grey, silver, white, tied in a pony tail, shaved head, receding hairline, bald, etc.
Mention 3 types of hair.
curly, wavy and straight
Rafael is going bald. What does this mean?
He has some hair but he is losing it.
Claudia is in her mid-teens. How old is she?
She is between 14 and 16.
Maria is in her late fifties. How old is she?
She is between 57 and 59.
Mateo is in his early twenties. How old is he?
Between 20 and 23.
What is the antonym for strong?
What is the antonym of friendly?
Shy, timid, introverted, reserved.
Sally is fat, tall and old. What would be the opposite description?
Sally is thin, short and young.
What is the antonym of long, straight, blond hair.
short, curly, black hair
Carlos is not very attractive. He is....
What is the antonym for old?
What is the antonym for tall?