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A1 Com.Cl.7 recycling

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Can we meet somewhere else? I am driving these days and it's impossible to find a ________ in the city centre.
parking space
We don't want to rent a house without a ___________. Our kids need a place to spend time.
I need to ________ the alarm clock for 6, because I don’t want to ________ and be late to work again.
set, oversleep
I’d like to live in a _________ house somewhere in the countryside without any neighbours and just green spaces around!
Remember to ______ electric devices if you don’t use them!
Can you, please, ______ the volume ______ ? I’d like to listen to the weather forecast for today.
turn... up
Panteleymon doesn’t have a lunch break at work, he _______ a quick bite at his desk.
A: What’s with the coffeemaker? I _____ the drink, _____ the start button and nothing! B: Well, you should _____ it in first!
select, press, plug
A: Whose car is in the _______ ? B: It’s Mike’s. We’re having lunch in the ______, come join us!
driveway, dining room
We live in a _________ house, so we share a garden with our neighbours, the Johns.
The baby’s asleep. _______ the lights, please!
switch off