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The Elephant Man - Revision quiz - 1 to 5

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At first Merrick was sad and he didn't know he could stay at the hospital. Where did he want to go and why?
What hobbies did Joseph Merrick have?
Where in the hospital was he living? Describe his new home.
How did Merrick feel at the hospital? What presents were people giving him?
Merrick had two pictures , who were in the pictures?
Who came to visit Merrick at the hospital?
How did Merrick get money to stay in the hospital?
How did Merrick end up living at The London Hospital?
How did Merrick get to The London hospital the first time?
By taxi. Dr. Treeves picked him up.
What kind of man was doctor Treeves?
A kind man, helpful and friendly
What kind of man was Merrick?
Kind and shy.
What did people treat Merrick?
They laughed at him, made fun of him, called him names and some were very scared of him.
How much money did Merrick earn in Belgium and what happened to that money?
He made 50 pounds. The shop keeper stole his money.
Where was Merrick working before moving to the hospital?
He was working in a freak's show
Who did Merrick live with before moving to the hospital?
He lived with the shop keeper
How much did Dr. Treeves pay to see Merrick?
He paid twelve pence
How did doctor Treeves and Merrick meet?
Dr. Treeves saw Merrick's picture in a shop's window and paid to meet him
What was "The Elephant Man's" Real name?
Joseph Merrick