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Candy Crew MLU: Food preservation and cooking

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State True or False: For the Dehydration method of preservation, we remove water from the food item to store it for a long time.
State True or False: Preservation makes seasonal food available throughout the year e.g. strawberry pulp.
Ms. Yesha just made Mango pickle at her home. Which preservatives do you think she has added in her pickle?
Salt, Vinegar
Why do we need to store food in a closed box in a refrigerator and not keep it open outside? Give appropriate reason.
1. Microorganisms in air & food can spoil the food. 2. Rats, worms can eat the food. 3. To increase the shelf life of food and keep it fresh for longer time.
Give 2 examples of food items we cook with the method of roasting.
Papad, Roti/Chapatti, Thepla, Khakra
Which method adds variety to our food? - Boiling or Grilling
Which method of cooking food doesn’t get burnt? - Boiling or Pressure cooking
State one advantage of Pressure cooking food.
1. Kills bacteria and food is safe to eat. 2. Food gets cooked faster. 3. Several food can be cooked together using separators.
State True or False: Cooking food is unhealthy. We see lots of germs on it.
Rearrange the following steps in proper order of cooking: 1. Cutting vegetables into big pieces. 2. Washing vegetables. 3. Cooking in a closed pan.
1. Washing vegetables. 2. Cutting vegetables into big pieces. 3. Cooking in a closed pan.
Which type of frying is healthy and saves more nutrients - Shallow frying or Deep frying? Give reason.
Shallow frying is healthy and saves more nutrients because we use less oil.
When baking a strawberry pie, will we lose nutrients or no nutrients will be lost?
No, nutrients will not be lost as baking happens in a closed oven.
What is boiling? Give 2 examples of food items we boil.
The method of cooking by using lots of water and high heat for a short time. Examples: Eggs, potatoes, pulses
Give one reason for cooking food.
1. Makes my food healthy, removes all germs and is safe to eat. 2. Becomes soft to eat and easy to digest. 3. Makes food tasty and yummy to eat.