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Extreme weather

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Choose the correct word to complete the sentences: "It’s blowing / pouring with rain. Let’s stay in and watch a film."
Choose the correct word to complete the sentences: "Wow! That lightning / tornado during the storm last night was amazing! I could see the whole street even though it was dark.
Choose the correct word to complete the sentences: "The level of the river rosed / poured quickly because it was raining so hard."
Choose the correct word to complete the sentences: "The wind’s poruing / blowing quite strongly. I don’t think we should go climbing today."
Choose the correct word to complete the sentences: "Have you ever seen a tornado / flood moving across the desert? It’s amazing how fast they can go."
Choose the correct word to complete the sentences: "There was a terrible flood / lightining last year. The whole village was under water."
Complete the sentence with the correct word: "Look at this line. It shows how high the river can _____ when it rains a lot
Complete the sentence with the correct word: "Have you got an umbrella? It’s going to _____ with rain later today."
Complete the sentence with the correct word: "My grandfather loves watching the_______in the sky during a storm."
Complete the sentence with the correct word: "Oh look! That girl’s hat is going to____ away."
Complete the sentence with the correct word: "The_______ was like something out of a film – the wind was lifting everything up."
Complete the sentence with the correct word: " I hate it when there’s a_______ there’s water everywhere"