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G2B Midterm Lesson 15

Use commas to add multiple tags

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What are multiple meaning words?
Words that have the same spelling and sound alike, but have a different meaning
Use "reason" in a sentence (using the image)
The ___ if fell down was because ___.
What is compare & contrast?
To tell how things are similar and different
What is a plot?
What happens in the story
What is a setting?
Where or when the story happens
What is a character?
The people or animals in a story
What are details in a text?
They give more information about the main idea.
What is a main idea in a text?
what the text is about
The author's purpose: What is inform? (a. to make the reader want to believe something / b. to teach or inform / c. A fun or interesting text
a text that informs or teaches
The author's purpose: What is entertain? (a. to make the reader want to believe something / b. to teach or inform / c. A fun or interesting text
a fun or interesting text
The author's purpose: What is persuade? (a. to make the reader want to believe something / b. to teach or inform / c. A fun or interesting text
to make the reader want to believe something
What is a science article?
A nonfiction text that gives information about the world
Make a sentence with motion (using the picture)
The gymnast is in ____.
Make a sentence with the word appear (using this picture)
The man ____ in the ____.
What is visualization?
While reading, imagining or forming pictures in your mind.