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Past Simple vs Present Perfect

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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I (mam) my smartphone for 2 years.
have had
When I was your age, I (not / know) what I wanted to do.
didn't know
My sister (work) as a dentist since 2015.
has worked
(you / decide) what you want to buy yet?
Have you decided
I (already / choose) the job I want to do.
have already chosen
My mum (get) her first job when she was a teenager.
My cousin learnt to swim (w wieku 10 lat)
at the age of ten
My dad (właśnie umył) the car and we're ready to go.
has just washed
(Z kim rozmawiałeś na Skypie) last night?
Who did you skype / Who did you talk on Skype
Steve (already / see) this film twice.
has already seen
What time (you / leave) home this morning?
did you leave
My parents (chodzili) to primary school together.
My brother (jest) a single parent for two years.
has been
(Pojechali na swój) honeymoon just after the ceremony.
They went for their
(Czy kiedykolwiek leciałeś) a plane?
Have you ever flown
(you / read) any good books recently?
Have you read
Jim (propose) ______ to Sandra yet.
hasn't proposed
Jim (just / lose) __________ his wallet.
has just lost