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Cantonese (9-11) Directions: How to get there

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i am late
gnor chi dol
across the street
hei guy dui meen
go down to first floor
lok dol yut lau
on your left hand side
hei nei jor sau been
on your right hand side
hei nei yau sau been
go straight
jik hahn
go up 2nd floor
sern yee lau
take the escalator
dop din tai
mah tau
i cannot breathe
gnor tau mm dol hei
several minutes
gei fun jong
shopping mall
sern chern
take the subway
dop deh teet
go chook goon lo
traffic accident
gow tung yee gnoi
sun mun
waiting for the bus
dung bah see
dont waste your time
mm ho sai see gahn
get off at the bus terminal
hei bah si jong jahm lok chae
bus stop
bah see jaam
in front of church
hei gow tong tsin been
take the bus
dop bah see
do you know how to get there?
nei jee mm jee doh dim hui ah?
take the ferry
dop shuen
ho sic
tofu pudding
dow fu fah
ho lang
fung ging
pung yow
with my family
tung gnor ga teng
I will go hiking
gnor wui hui hahn san
will you go out?
nei wui mm wui chut guy ah?
teen hei