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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What´s her job?
She´s a singer!
What´s her job?
She´s a dancer!
What´s his job?
He´s a DJ!
Who uses this tools?
The dentist!
How many teeth do you have?
What part of your body is that?
My hand!
What do we call that?
Can you name some community helpers that use this?
The nurse!
Who´s vehicle is this?
The police officer´s patrol!
What vehicle is this?
A firetruck!
Does a police Officer groom a dog?
No, the Vet!
Does a firefighter fly this airplane?
No, a Pilot flies it!
Who are they?
They are Pilots!
This hose belongs to a...
This stethoscope belongs to a...
These scissors belong to a...
This tools belong to a...
Who is she?
A Vet!
Who is she?
A Nurse!
Who is he?
A Doctor!
Who is she?
A Hairdresser!
Who is she?
A Firefighter!
Who is he?
A Police Officer!
Who is he?
A Chef!