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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Who is 7 years old?
I am/I am not.
Who is 8 years old?
I am/I am not.
Who loves to play at the playground?
I love it./ I hate it./I do/I don't.
Who loves to sleep?
I love it./ I hate it./I do/I don't.
Who loves cats?
I love it./ I hate it./I do./I don't.
Who loves dogs?
I love it./ I hate it./I do/I don't.
Who doesn't likes spiders?
I do/I don't.
Who doesn't like apples?
I do/I don't.
Who doesn't like snakes?
I do/I don't.
Who doesn't like Youtube?
I do/I don't.
Who doesn't like whales?
I do/I don't.
Who likes cartoons?
I do/I don't.
Who likes hamburgers?
I do/I don't.
Who likes cake?
I do/I don't.
Who likes grapes?
I do/I don't.
Who likes pink?
I do/I don't.
Who likes broccoli?
I do/I don't.
Who is a girl?
I am/I am not.
Who is a boy?
I am/I am not.
Who is wearing blue?
I am/I am not.
Who is wearing a skirt?
I am/I am not.
Who is wearing shorts?
I am/I am not.
Who is wearing green?
I am/I am not.
Who likes ice cream?
I do/I don't.
Who likes bananas?
I do/I don't.