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A Big Bat

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What is the action verb? Can you use it in a sentence?
I can jump up and down fast.
What is the action verb? Can you use it is a sentence?
Cut. I can cut the paper.
What is it? What is it doing? How is it hanging?
It is a bat. The bat is napping. It is hanging upside down.
Can a bat go fast?
Yes, a bat can go fast.
What is it? What likes to bite it?
It is a fig. A bat likes to bite a fig.
What is the bat doing? Do bats like to do this?
The bat is hanging upside down. Yes, bats like to do this.
Can you use the word 'go' in a sentence.
I can go to the store.
What are some words that begin with /Bb/?
bus, bear, bee, bat, big,
Is a caterpillar good or bad for a plant? Why?
A caterpillar is bad for a plant. It eats the leaves.
Is a bee good or bad for a plant? Why?
A bee is good for a plant. It helps plants grow.
Is a butterfly good or bad for a plant? Why?
A butterfly is good for a plant. It helps spread pollen.
What is the title of today's book?
The title of the book is "A Big Bat".