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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Give me 3 words with "tion"
information, station, option,protection
I ___ a shower. (has or haves)
He washes her hands.
He washes his hands.
What time does this class finish ?
It finishes at 4:30 in the afternoon.
Please make a sentence with study. ( She)
Please make a sentence with carry. ( He )
Please make a sentence with "does".
Please make a sentence with "goes".
Please make a sentence with fix (he)
( Yes or no ) He cross the road safely.
He finishs his homework at night.
Yes or No, Can he teaches his son ?
Yes or No, He catchs the ball in the game.
Yes or No: Kite can dances really well.
No. Kite can dance really well.
are/ Mary/ I /and/ best/ friends
Mary and I are best friends.
Is she from Canada ? ( No)
No, she isn't.
Are they from China ? (No)
No, they aren't.
Your dad is your grandfather's ... ?
Your mom is your grandmother's ... ?
What can help you to make predictions? (At least say 2 things)
title, picture, text details
What's the plural form of "turkey" ?
What's the plural form of "activity" ?
Where are they from ?
They are from China.
Write down the plural form of "family".
Please name 5 uncountable nouns.
Please name 5 countable nouns. ( Both singular & plural)
Where does it take place ?
It takes place in the school.