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You _________ sports shoes. (wear / must)
You must wear sports shoes.
You ________ any drinks onto the courts. (must/take)
You mustn't take any drinks onto the courts.
You ______ in the shower room. (must/run)
You mustn't run in the shower room.
You _______ careful with sports equipment. (be/must)
You must be careful with the sports equipment.
You _______ loud music in the gym. (must/play)
You mustn't play loud music.
You _______ to the sports coach. (listen/ must)
You must listen to the sports coach.
You ________ or shout. (push/must)
You mustn't push or shout.
You _________ away sports equipment. (put/must)
You must put away sports equipment.
You _________ food in the sports areas. (must/eat)
You mustn't eat food in the sports areas.
sleep / (get) / a lot of / before/ the night/
Get a lot of sleep the night before.
any/(not eat)/ heavy food
Don't eat any heavy food.
Before the race/(remember)/ to warm up
Remember to warm up before the race.
comfortable/(wear)/ shoes
Wear comfortable shoes.
(not race)/ on the day/ the marathon /before
Don't race on the day before the marathon.
to wear/sunscreen/ (not/forget)
Don't forget to ear sunscreen.
a lot of/(drink)/ water
Drink a lot of water.
fruit and vegetables/ (eat)/ a lot of
Eat a lot of fruit and vegetables.
(not /get)/ late/up
Don't get up late