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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Who is more colorful?
Iron Man is more colorful than Black Widow.
Who is heavier?
Thanos is heavier than Iron Man.
Who is stronger?
Thor is stronger than Iron Man.
Who is more dangerous?
Thanos is more dangerous than Black Widow.
Who is younger?
Baby Groot is younger than Thor.
Who is older?
Thor is older than Baby Groot.
Who is worse?
Thanos is worse than Iron Man.
Who is better?
Thor is better than Thanos.
Who is more beautiful?
You decide!
Who is uglier?
Thanos is uglier than Black Widow.
Who is more intelligent?
Iron Man is more intelligent than Thor.
Who is weaker?
Cap. America is weaker than Hulk.
Who is slower?
Hulk is slower than Wonder Woman.
Who is shorter?
Wonder Woman is shorter than Cap. America.
Who is stronger?
Hulk is stronger than Wonder Woman.
Who is slimmer?
Wonder Woman is slimmer than Cap. America.
Who is faster?
Wonder Woman is faster than Hulk.
Who is taller?
Cap. America is taller than Wolverine.
Who is fatter?
Hulk is fatter than Cap. America.