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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Past participle of the verb CHOOSE
Past participle of the verb DRINK
Past participle of the verb HEAR
Past participle of the verb MAKE
Past participle of the verb GIVE
Past participle of the verb BEGIN.
My father waters the plants.
The plants ARE WATERED by my father.
They won't buy a new computer.
A new computer WON'T BE BOUGHT.
He found the child in the park.
The child WAS FOUND in the park.
We did'nt translate the book into English.
The book WASN'T TRANSLATED into English.
People don't speak Spanish in China.
Spanish ISN'T SPOKEN in China.
The Romans built the bridge 2000 years ago.
The bridge WAS BUILT 2000 years ago by Romans.
The thieves will be arrested by the police. (?)
WILL the thieves BE ARRESTED by the police?
The telephone was invented by Mr Bell. (?)
Was the telephone INVENTED by Mr bell?
They will send the letters next week.
The letters WILL BE SENT next week.
Agatha Christie wrote this book.
This book WAS WRITTEN by Agatha Christie.
Someone broke the window.
The window WAS BROKEN.
Someone stole Tom's car last night.
Tom's car WAS STOLEN last night.
Mr Green teachs the biology class.
The biology class IS TAUGHT by Mr Green.
Nick called off the meeting.
The meeting WAS CALLED OFF by Nick.
Millions of people watch this TV programme.
This TV programme IS WATCHED by millions of people.
My son cleaned the windows.
The windows WERE CLEANED by my son.
The fire destroyed the building.
The building WAS DESTROYED by the fire.
Gaudi designed the building.
The building WAS DESIGNED by Gaudi.