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Answering Questions With Modals

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What could you do if the forecast called for rain?
I could _______ because/so/since _______.
What could you give to your mom for Mother's Day?
I could give my mom _______ because/so/since _______.
What could you eat for a snack after school?
I could eat _______ because/so/since ________.
What's something you could do on a snow day?
I could _______ because/so/since _______.
What could happen if the power went out at school?
_____ could happen because/so/since _______.
What should you do during a fire drill?
We should _______ because/so/since _______.
Where would you like to go on vacation?
I would like to go to _______ because/so/since _______.
Do you think Ms. Guyot should wear a mask or not?
Ms. Guyot should _______ because/so/since/when _______.
What should you do when a judge enters a courtroom?
I should _______ because/so/since _______.
What would you take with you to the beach?
I would _______ because/so/since _______.
Should Ms. Guyot dye her hair black?
She should/should not dye her hair because/so/since _______.
What would you do if you saw Ms. Guyot and Mickey riding their bike?
I should _______ because/so/since _______.
What could happen if the brakes on your bike stopped working?
I could _______ because/so/since _______.
What should you do if you want to be healthy?
I should _______ because/so/since _______.
Would you rather go swimming or jump on a trampoline?
I would rather _______ because/so/since _______.
What is something nice that you could do for someone else?
I could _______ because/so/since _______.
Who is a famous person you would like to meet?
I would like to meet _______ because/so/since _______.
What time should you go to bed to get enough sleep?
I should go to bed at _______ because/so/since _______.
What could you do to celebrate your birthday?
I could _______ because/so/since _______.
What should you do if a stranger comes to your door?
I should _______ because/so/since _______.
What would you do if a rat ran across your floor?
I would _______ because/so/since _______.