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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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____ Nick ____ (talk) on the phone at the moment?
IS Nick TALKING on the phone at the moment?
How often ____ you ____ (go) to the library?
How often DO you GO to the library?
Look! It ____ (go) to rain!
Look! It IS GOING to rain!
Tom ____ (go) to bed every night at 10:30 pm.
Tom GOES to bed every night at 10:30 p.m.
____ he____ (want) a sandwich?
DOES he WANT a sandwich?
Where is Kate? She ____ (clean) her room.
She IS CLEANING her room.
My sister and I ____ (not/play) basketball right now.
My sister and I AREN'T PLAYING basketball right now.
___ the baby ____ (sleep) at present?
IS the baby SLEEPING at present?
He ____ (run) very quickly. Look!
He IS RUNNING very quickly. Look!
What ____ Anna ____ (do) now?
What IS Anna DOING now?
My parents ____ (work) today.
My parents ARE WORKING today.
Kate ____ (play/sometimes) the guitar at night.
Kate SOMETIMES PLAYS the guitar at night.
Mary ____ (watch/never) TV on weekends.
Mary NEVER WATCHES TV on weekends.
I ____ (listen) to music at the moment.
I AM LISTENING to music at the moment.
She ____ (not,like) pizza.
She DOESN'T LIKE pizza.
My parents ____ (go) to the supermarket every day.
My parents GO to the supermarket every day.
I ____ (read/sometimes) at night.
She ____ (work) every Sunday.
She WORKS every Sunday.
____ she ____ (eat) now?
IS she EATING now?
_____ your sisters ______ (like) italian food?
DO your sisters LIKE italian food?
She ________ (not/study) at the moment.
What is that noise? Somebody ______ (play) the piano.
What is that noise? Somebody IS PLAYING the piano.
____ Kelly ____ (do) her homework now?
IS Kelly DOING her homework now?
Dave and Alice _______ (play) tennis twice a week.
Dave and Alice PLAY tennis twice a week.