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Bengal Tiger

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How do people harm Bengal tigers' habitat?
They cut down trees. They build homes and farms.
How do we call the people that kill Bengal tigers today? What is their common name? And What do they do?
Poachers - They sell tiger skins and bones for a lot of money.
Why did people hunt Bengal tigers in the past?
They enjoyed hunting.
What are the dangers for adult Bengal tigers IN THE WILD?
Nothing. No wild animals hunt adult Bengal tigers. Tigers are too big and strong.
What are the NATURAL dangers for cubs in the wild?
Hyenas, leopards, and wild dogs can kill them.
What can people do to save endangered animals?
Student's answer
Why are Bengal tigers endangered animals?
Student's answer
How is a baby tiger called?
What do Bengal tigers eat?
They are carnivores. They eat meat.
How can it help Bengal tigers to live in forests or areas with long grass?
They can hide there while they hunt for food (or student's answer)
What's the meaning of "habitat"?
It is where an animal lives (or student's answer)
Where can you find Bengal tigers?
in Asia
What's the features of Bengal tigers? They all have...
A long tail, big teeth, sharp claws, and a loud roar
Which family do Bengal tigers belong to?
Cat family
Which features of Bengal tigers help them to hide?
Their orange and white hair and dark stripes
Give 3 example of endangered animals
Student's answer
What's the meaning of "endangered"?
Student's answer
What's the meaning of "extinct"?
Student's answer