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My Muscles

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How do I know when my skeletal muscles are working?
I can see my skeletal muscles working anytime I move.
How do I know when my smooth muscles are working?
I know my smooth muscles are working when I have to go to the bathroom.
How do I know when my cardiac muscle is working?
I can feel my heart beat to know my cardiac muscle is working.
What does my cardiac muscle do?
My cardiac muscle helps my heart pump blood.
What is the main function of smooth muscle?
Smooth muscle helps move things, such as food or drinks, through my body.
What do my muscles do to move different parts of my body?
My muscles pull on my bones or face skin to move different parts of my body.
What happens when I want to bike, type, or write?
My brain sends a message to my muscles to bike, type, or write.
TRUE OR FALSE? My bones and muscles work together with my brain to help me move.
What does skeletal muscle help me do?
Skeletal muscle helps me grip, swing, or jump.
How many skeletal muscles does my body have?
My body has more than six hundred skeletal muscles in all.
What kind of muscle is mostly connected to our bones?
Skeletal muscle
How many kinds of mucles help my body move in different ways?
Three kinds of muscles help my body move in different ways.
How many muscles does my face have?
It has forty-two muscles.