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109-2 B4L3 Dialogue 康軒版

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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How do you usually do when you want to find some local specialties to taste?
With the help of technology, Google Map Reviews.
Do you care about the colors of food? Why or why not?
Do you like to take a photo of food before eating? Why or why not?
What kind of food may Bella dislike possibly?
Cold food.
What did Bella say when she wanted Eddie to start eating?
dig in
Who loves taking a photo of his or her food before eating?
Eddie does.
How does Bella feel about her dishes? How do you know?
She likes them. She thinks they taste delicious and fresh.
What does Bella's meal look like?
It looks like pandas.
What food are Eddie and Bella going to have?
Rice and salad.
What may Eddie and Bella take into account when they're choosing food?
They don't want to put on weight. / They want to be healthy. / They don't want to eat unhealthy food which may harm their bodies.
What is special on the dishes of the second restaurant?
They're less oil, salt, and sugar.
To Bella, what is healthy food supposed to look like?
It's supposed to be green and white.
Why does the second restaurant make Bella think of healthy meals?
That restaurant looks brighter, and its walls are green and white.
How does Bella feel about the first restaurant?
She doesn't like it. She feels it's too dark from the outside.
What are Eddie and Bella probably going to do now?
They are probably going to have lunch now.