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US His A - The Declaration of Independence

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After _____ changes were made to The Original Rough Draft, The Declaration was completed. (36 / 40 / 47 / 50).
The Original Rough Draft of Declaration was first revised by _____, then by ______, and finally by ________ (Franklin , committee , Adams)
Adams ---> Franklin ---> committee
Who wrote the first draft of the Declaration of Independence?
Thomas Jefferson
The American colonies declared their independence on ______. ----- July 4 ----- April 7 -----Jun 4
July 4, 1776
The Second Continental Congress met in _______ ---- 10/05/1775 ---- 08/07/1775 ---- 12/04/1776
What is not the purpose of The First Continental Congress? ----- Called for a boycott for British goods ------ Set a follow-up meeting for May 1775 ------ Closed the port of Boston
Closed the port of Boston ----> The Intolerable Act
The First Continental Congress met in _____(1765, 1773, 1774, 1775).
The Intolerable Act was passed by the British government in _______ (1765, 1773, 1774, 1775).
In order to against The Tea Act passed by government, a group of colonists boarded East India Company ships and threw tea into ______ Harbor. (What is the name of the harbor?) .
Boston Harbor
British government passed The Tea Act in ______ (1765 / 1773 / 1774 / 1775).
In The Stamp Act, many colonists called for: ---- “No Taxation Without Representation” ----- “No Taxation With Representation” ---- “Taxation Without Representation”
“No Taxation Without Representation”
"The Stamp Act forced colonists to pay taxes on legal documents, playing cards, books and newspaper." => Right or Wrong
The Stamp Act of ________ forced colonists to pay taxes. (1765 / 1773 / 1774 / 1775).
Why was Britain was in debt during 1700s, 1760s, 1770s? *** French - Indian War was costly *** Britain - French War was costly, Britain *** Indian War was costly
French - Indian War was costly.
Put events in correct order: The colonists resisted taxes - Parliament raised taxes in the colonies - Britain was in debt
Britain was in debt -> Parliament raised taxes in the colonies -> The colonists resisted taxes.
The English Bill of Right limits the power of ______ ( Kings and Queens / Parliament)
Kings and Queens
The goals of The Enlightenment was to attain ________, freedom, and happiness. ( independence / knowledge / liberty)
The Enlightenment was a time of new ideas in ______ century. (16th -17th / 17th-18th / 18th -19th).
17th-18th century
Mayflower Compact influenced US (Constitution / Amendment /Independence ) in 1787.
Who wrote Mayflower Compact? (Pligrims or Puritans)