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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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I can enjoy skating because of......................... friction.
While you play football, you need the shoes to be ................................ .
The unit of measuring force is .................. .
The tool used to measure force is called
force meter
When two surfaces rub together, ..................... happens.
....................... is the amount of gravity pulling you down.
When the roots are pot bound, the plants will be ................. .
Which gas is produced in photosynthesis?
The process of making food is ……………
If I put a plant in blue ink, next day it changed into blue. Which part of the plant transported that blue ink?
Leaves make food.Which life process is it?
Flowers make seeds. Which life process is it?
My mom is using a paper towel in the kitchen, as paper towels are.................... .
Mention the law of magnetism.
Like poles repel, opposite poles attract
Name 2 non -magnetic non -metals.
Glass- wood
Name 2 magnetic metals.
Iron- steel- nickel- cobalt
My shoes have to be ……………
bendy and waterproof
John filled a beaker with water and dropped a ball into it. He was able to see the water and the ball through the beaker clearly. Which property best describes it?
see- through
The pencil is made of 3 different materials. Name them.
Wood-metal- rubber
Water tank has to be ……………
Reptiles are covered with …………….
Dry and scaly skin
Where do amphibians lay eggs?
in water
How do amphibians breathe?
Gills then lungs
How do birds reproduce?
By laying eggs
Birds and reptiles breathe through
How do mammals reproduce?
Give birth
Mammals are covered with …………… while birds with ............... .
fur or hair- feathers