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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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She's got _______, curly, _________ hair.
She's got long, curly, blond hair.
She ________ long hair, and now she's got _______ hair.
She had long hair, and now she's got short hair.
The woman _________ glasses is my aunt.
The woman with glasses is my aunt.
She's got ____________ hair and brown _________.
She's got blond hair and brown eyes.
She __________________ jeans.
She is wearing jeans.
The ________ woman with ___________ hair is my grandma.
The old woman with grey hair is my grandma.
The _________ man with a __________ is my uncle.
The young man with a baby is my uncle.
The _________ with a dog is my brother.
The boy with a dog is my brother.
The ________ in green T-shirt is my teacher.
The man in green T-shirt is my teacher.
The ________ in pink jumper is my mum.
The woman in pink jumper is my mum.
My brother is a ___________.
My brother is a baby.
They _______ old people. They _________blue eyes.
They are old people. They've got / have blue eyes.
They __________ teenagers.
They are teenagers.
He's got a _____________ and a moustache.
He's got a beard and a moustache.
The woman is ______________ a black bag.
The woman is carrying a black bag.
This baby _____ a girl. The baby _____________ blue eyes.
This baby is a girl. The baby has got blue eyes.
My son is _______________ a suit.
My son is wearing a suit.
She __________ fat, but now she is ___________.
She was fat, but now she is slim.
Bruce Willis has got no hair. He's _______________.
He's bald.
The man is ____________________ an umbrella.
The man is carrying an umbrella.
He's the one with __________________.
He's the one with glasses.
She ______________ a red dress.
She's wearing a red dress
Grandpa is the one ___________ a moustache.
Grandpa is the one with a moustache.
She's got __________, straight, dark __________.
She's got long, straight, dark hair.
He_____ tall, and she is _______.
He is tall, and she is short.