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Charlie and the Chocolate Factory II.

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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The other children continued the ................... by a ............. boat.
journey / pink
Augustus Gloop fell into the ............... .................... .
brown river
Now the Oompa-Loompas ............... in the factory.
live / work
Oompa-Loompas only eat ........... ........... .
cocoa beans
Loompaland is a country with ............... and the most dangerous .................. .
jungles / beasts
The ......................... come from Loompaland.
The trees and the grass are ..................., too. They are made of minty ................ .
edible / sugar
The waterfalls ................ the chocolate.
The river in the Chocolate Room is ............ chocolate.
“The Chocolate Room is very important, it is the ............ of the ..................... .”
heart / business
There was a smell of coffee, ................ , ............... and lemon peel in the factory.
sugar / chocolate / caramel / mint
The big day arrived. The ............. came to the factory.
"The day you can come to the factory is the ........of February.”
“Mother! Mother! I have .............. it! The fifth Golden ticket!”
Charlie ate the chocolate very quickly and he .............. for another one.
After Charlie found one dollar on the ground , he went to the nearest ..............
One afternoon Charlie saw a piece of ............ ................. on the ground.
green / paper
Winter came. The Bucket family forgot the  ............ Ticket. They were .......... and starving.
Golden / cold