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Physical Science Rocks

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Maggie is making pancakes. How do the pancakes change as they are cooked? Is this a physical change or a chemical change?
Chemical change
Where is the magnetic field the strongest on a magnet?
at the ends or the poles
A mixture is made by combining sand and iron filings. What could you use to separate the iron filings from the sand? 
Human-harnessed electricity is another name for _________ electricity.
Hair standing straight up after removing a wool hat is an example of ______________.
static electricity
Two clear substances are combined inside a plastic bag. The plastic bag is tightly sealed. The substances in the bag becomes warm. Is this a physical change or a chemical change?
Chemical change
What form of energy is cause by moving electrons?
While eating an apple Justin noted that a chemical change was about to take place. Where in the digestion process do chemical changes happen?
Stomach acid breaks down food into liquids.
If you set a piece of paper on fire, what kind of change takes place?
chemical change.
If you take a sheet of paper and make a paper airplane, what kind of change takes place?
physical change
What part of the circuit is the battery?
power source
Anthony's dad wired new lights for his bedroom. When he thought everything was connected correctly, he turned on the switch and nothing happened. Is the problem from a closed or an open circuit?
It's because of an open circuit so electrons cannot flow along the path.
When Joshua created this table, he forgot to put labels on each column. What should he label Column A and Column B?
Column A conductors and Column B are insulators.
Jheel and Saanvi are trying to understand why the circuit they just built doesn’t work. The switch for their circuit is shown above. Why is the electricity not flowing in their circuit?
The switch is open so there isn't a closed circuit.
How many wires would be needed to make this a closed circuit?
Sammy's toast got stuck in the toaster. As he reached for a fork to get it out, him mom stopped and asked Sammy to unplug the toaster, first. Why?
Sammy would have received a shock to his hand when the metal fork touched the wires of the toaster.
What part of an atom always has a negative charge?
an electron
Electrons will move easily through aluminum. Based on this description, aluminum is a(n)
Which object always works because of Earth's magnetic field?
a compass
If you put the North ends of two magnets together, what will happen?
The magnets will repel or move away from each other.
Electricity cannot flow through rubber, therefore rubber is a(n) ____________.
Which state is water when the atoms have the least amount of movement?
Which type of magnet maintains a magnetic field at ALL times?
permanent magnet (bar, horseshoe, wand, ring)
Which type of magnet can be turned on or off?
Why is current electricity a better source for use in our homes than static electricity?
You need a steady flow of electricity to run things, and you can turn off the electricity when not needed.
Which examples show human-harnessed electricity?
Examples 1 and 3
True of False: Socks from the dryer sticking together is an example of human-harnessed electricity?
False. Socks sticking together is an example of static electricity.
Students construct a simple circuit and place an item in the path. All of the following materials will conduct electricity EXCEPT __________. (steel, rubber, copper, aluminum)
The diagram shows an electrical circuit. What object could be placed in the open space between the wires to complete the circuit? (nail, toothpick, eraser, pencil)
True or False: Magnets attract all metals.
False. Magnets attract some metals such as iron, nickel, and cobalt.
What must always happen in order for a chemical reaction to occur?
A new substance is produced.
Sylvia placed baking soda and vinegar in the bottom of 4 water bottles. It started fizzing and the balloon began to increase in size. What kind of change is happening in the photo?
chemical change
Roman mixed his favorite small snacks into a trail mix. How did the physical properties of the different snacks change when he created the mixture?
The physical properties stayed the same and did not change.
Weiyi poured lemonade into a cup and took a sip. She noticed the lemonade was warm, so she put it in the freezer. She forgot about it until the next day. When she took it out of the freezer, the lemonade had changed from a BLANK to a BLANK.
liquid to solid
Did a physical change or a chemical change occur to the crayon in the picture?
physical change
What process occurs when ice absorbs heat energy from its surroundings?
The ice melts.