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Present Simple & Continuous

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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[Present Continuous or Present Simple?] (Tony / live) near the park?
Present Simple: Does Tony live near the park?
[Present Continuous or Present Simple?] Archie (not use) his computer at the moment.
Present Continuous: Archie isn't using his computer at the moment
[Present Continuous or Present Simple?] What time (you / meet) Pete tomorrow?
Present Continuous: What time are you meeting Pete tomorrow?
[Present Continuous or Present Simple?] Our teacher always (give) us lots of homework.
Present Simple: Our teacher always gives us lots of homework.
[Present Continuous or Present Simple?] I (not/drink) coffee very often.
Present Simple: I don't drink coffee very often.
[Present Continuous or Present Simple?] (you/study) every night?
Present Simple: Does you study every night?
[Present Continuous or Present Simple?] (we/go) to the cinema later?
Present Continuous: Are we going to the cinema later?
[Present Continuous or Present Simple?] (he/eat) pasta every day?
Present Simple: Does he eat pasta every day?
[Present Continuous or Present Simple?] (you/come) tonight?
Present Continuous: Are you coming over tonight
[Present Continuous] What is the question & answer: We | play chess [N] listen music [Y]
Are we playing chess? No, we are listening to music.
[Present Continuous] What is the question & answer: They | swim [N] shop [Y]
Are they swimming? No, they are shopping.
[Present Continuous] What is the question & answer: He | drink Sprite [N] eat ice cream [Y]
Is he drinking Sprite? No, he is eating ice cream.
[Present Continuous] What is the question & answer: she | play tennis [N] skate [Y]
Is she playing tennis? No, she is skating.
What is the Present Continuous form of "win"?
What is the Present Continuous form of "try"?
What is the Present Continuous form of "shop"?
What is the Present Continuous form of "forget"?
What is the Present Continuous form of "behave"?