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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What do you and your family like to do together?
What do your parents look like? What are they like?
Who is the black sheep in your family?
How did you get your name?
If you were offered an excellent job opportunity abroad, would you consider leaving your family for an indefinite period of time?
Are there many divorces in your country? Are there many single-parent families in your country? Are they usually headed by men or women?
Who in your family would you turn to if you had an emotional problem? Why? If you had a financial problem, would you expect your family to help?
When do children leave their parents' home in your country?
What do you think of people who get married many times?
Is polygamy allowed in your culture? Would you like this life style?
Who should take care of old people?
What do you think of married couples who decide not to have any children? Is it necessary to get married to have a good life?
If parents are both working, does this cause more or less stress in a family?
What were some important experiences that you had when you were child which shaped you as a person?
What kind of chores do/would you require your child to do?
Do you think boys are more expensive than girls or vice versa? Why? Do you think boys are easier to take care of than girls or vice versa? Why?
Would you allow your son or daughter to pierce body parts? Would you allow him/her to get a tattoo?
What are some things that your parents did that you would never do? What are some things that you have seen other parents do that you would never do?
What do you think are some of the most difficult problems faced by parents?
"Some friends are more important than some family members". Do you agree?