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A2 passive voice

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Should we open the windows?
Should the windows be opened?
Will they buy him a present today?
Will a present be bought him today?
Do they eat a lot of sugar in Ukraine?
Is a lot of sugar eaten in Ukraine?
Did they take my book?
Was my book taken?
James Cameron directed "Avatar"
"Avatar" was directed by James Cameron
They grow sweet potatoes in Nigeria
Sweet potatoes are grown in Nigeria
They will teach Spanish here
Spanish will be taught here
People knew antibiotics in the 1930s
Antibiotics were known in the 1930s
David Fincher didn't direct "Transformers"
"Transformers" wasn't directed by David Fincher
They don't serve meat here
Meat isn't served here
They won't arrest you
You won't be arrested
She doesn't make the beds
Beds aren't made
He didn't win her heart
Her heart wasn't won
They don't tell me what to do
I am not told what to do
Who wrote 'Moby Dick"?
Who was 'Moby Dick" written by?
Should someone throw the ball?
Should the ball be thrown?
Where did they find the body ?
Where was the body found?
When will people forget this meme?
When will this meme be forgotten?
Can someone teach me to fly?
Can I be taught to fly?
Did you hear my message ?
Was my message heard?