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Be going to - questions
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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Make a questions using: BE GOING TO: What / Bear Grylls in the wild?
What is Bear Grylls going to do in the wild?
Make a questions using: BE GOING TO : We / watch TV tonight?
Are we going to watch TV tonight?
Make a questions using: BE GOING TO: You / meet your friends at the weekend?
Are you going to meet your friends at the weekend?
Make a questions using: BE GOING TO: Who / build a house in the country?
Who is going to build a house in the country?
Make a questions using: BE GOING TO: Katie / make a TV series about wildlife?
Is Katie going to make a TV series about wildlife?
Make a questions using: BE GOING TO: Zak / buy a pet spider?
Is Zak going to buy a pet spider?
Make a questions using: BE GOING TO: Brandon and Sam / jump down a waterfall?
Are Brandon and Sam going to jump down a waterfall?
Make a questions using: BE GOING TO: What / Jacob / do?
What is Jacob going to do?
Make a questions using: BE GOING TO: Rose and Tyler / live on an island?
Are Rose and Tyler going to live on an island?