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EFHE Hospitality class

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What are you most looking forward to after graduating from university?
How much of your research paper have you completed so far?
I haven't started yet teacher, I'm sorry!
I will start tonight!
It's halfway done already teacher!
I've already finished teacher! (Liar)
What other language does teacher speak?
Which types of industries are benefiting most from the COVID pandemic?
Online retailers, delivery services, gaming platforms, etc
Who do you think is most affected by the lack of tourism in countries like Vietnam?
Hospitality industry (restaurants, hotels, hostels, tour guides/agencies, travel groups, shops)
How do you feel about more tourists returning to Vietnam Post-COVID
What do you think will be the hardest part about traveling after COVID?
How old is teacher?
What does the video suggest will be the biggest challenge for Asian Pacific countries concerning tourism?
Returning to pre-COVID levels of travelers
Regaining the trust of the public
Ensuring the safety of locals and tourists
Growing in a sustainable way
In Asian Pacific countries, experts predict travel to return to normal level in how many years?
3 years
1 year
2 years
5 years
In the Americas, travel agencies/airplane companies are hoping which group continues to travel? 1) Domestic Travel or 2) International travel
Domestic Travel
What type of travel does the video suggest will become more popular in Europe after the Pandemic?
Outdoor, sustainable "nature based" travel
What is teacher's name?
What does the video predict will change with airfare prices/costs?
A large decrease in price initially, followed by a rise as demand for flights increases
Which changes do you think will be most difficult to implement for travel post-COVID?
Do you feel the changes proposed in the video will be effective?
How will flying and airplanes be different after COVID?
Sealed food, mandatory masks, changed seating, germ shields, more security and longer waits
According to the video, how will traveling be different pot-COVID?
1) More automated 2) Higher security measures 3) Contactless/face recognition technologies