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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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A dog is fast, but a lion is ______, and a cheetah is the __________.
faster, fastest
A boy chicken that says, "Cockadoodledoo!".
This is where doctors and nurses work. You go there for surgery or if you are sick.
You wear this over a shirt and it has no sleeves.
The country that we live in.
United States
This is a sea animal that you can eat. It is red, has claws that can pinch, but is longer than a crab.
You wear this with a costume on your face. Batman wears a ______.
Up is to down as first is to ________.
This is a sport or exercise you can get on ice and you wear skates with blades on them.
ice skating
A Halloween character that is scary and says, "Boo!".
Steps that move up and down and all you have to do is stand still. Usually seen in a mall, store, or hotel.
The opposite of last.
When boxers fight, they make this with their hand by curling up their fingers.
You do your work on this at home and in school. It has four legs and sometimes it has drawers.
You wear this on Halloween to go trick or treating.
Night is to dinner as morning is to ________.
The holiday where you find dyed eggs and a big bunny brings you candy and other treats for your basket.
This is a sport that is played on a court. You dribble the ball and shoot it in the hoop.
This has a handle and you put things in it. You might have Easter eggs and candy in it or food to take on a picnic.