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Adjectives - comparatives, superlatives

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Ice cream is ...................(delicious) dessert in the world.
the most delicious.
Rose is ......................(delicate) flower on the meadow.
the most delicate
Easter egg is ................(beautiful) eggin the world.
the most beautiful
Ladybug is .................(small) butterfly.
smaller than
The Sun is ................(big) the earth.
bigger than
Toad is ..............(ugly) frog.
uglier than
Meadow is ................(beautiful) forest.
more beautiful than
Turtle is .................(slow) rabbit.
slower than
Snake is ......................(long) lizard.
longer than
Falcon is ...............(fast) bird in the world.
the fastest
Humming bird is ..................(small) than falcon.
smaller than
Burj Khalifa is .................(tall) building in the world.
the tallest
Rock climbing is ................................(dangerous) sport.
the most dangerous
Rollerskating is ...........................(exciting) walking.
more exciting than
Lewandowski is ..............................(famous) Dudek.
more famous than
"Harry Potter" is ............................(interesting) "Calineczka".
more interesting than
Cheetah is .................(fast) than elephant.
Blue whale is ................(big) mammal on earth.
the biggest