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Teacher's roles and language

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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If right hemisphere is dominant, a person is good at art. (Yes or No)
A multilingual person can speak only four languages. (Yes or No)
It is impossible to learn language when you are an adult. (Yes or No)
What are the advantages of being bilingual? (tell at least 2 advantages)
Who learns faster? Adults or Children? Why?
What do you know about your brain's right hemisphere ?
What do you know about your brain's left hemisphere ?
Monolingualism is the ability to speak 5 languages ((Yes or No)
Bilingualism is the ability to speak 5 languages (Yes or No)
Intrinsic motivation comes from outside (for example, from a teacher that motivates you) (Yes or No)
Extrinsic motivation comes from inside us (Yes or No)
What is VARK?
a model of learning styles - Visual, Aural, Kinesthetic, Read/Write
If you have logical intelligence, then you like Maths and numbers. (Yes or No)
If you have interpersonal intelligence, then you like talking to other people. (Yes or No)
If you have intrapersonal intelligence, then you like talking to other people. (Yes or No)
Prompting means to encourage students and to help them (Yes or No)
If you spoonfeed your students , you practically give them an answer to the question. (Yes or no?)
What are the roles of a teacher? (name at least 3 )
A controller, a prompter, a participant, a resource, a tutor