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Danny the Champion of the World: Review

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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How did Grace Clipstone deliver the pheasants to Danny and his father?
In a baby carriage.
What is the name of this literary device: "Mr. Hazell left his car and came at us like a charging bull."
simile (using "like" or "as" to compare two different things)
Names: What is the name of the town's taxi driver?
Charlie Kinch
Names: What is the name of the village policeman?
Sargeant Enoch Samways
Names: What is the name of Danny's abusive math teacher?
Captain Lancaster
Names: What is the name of Danny's gin-drinking headmaster?
Mr. Snoddy
Names: What is the name of Danny's best friend?
Sidney Morgan
After all the pheasants fly away, and Danny and his father are alone, they decide to
Close the filling station for the day.
Buy a new car.
All of these answers are true.
Invite all their friends over for a dinner party.
After pheasants wake up, they fly
in the opposite direction of Hazell’s wood.
onto the roof of the Gypsy Caravan.
back to Hazell’s wood, but too late for the shooting party.
back to the coal shed at the vicarage.
Danny and his father leave the pheasants at the vicarage because
they don’t want to get caught with the pheasants.
they don’t have a refrigerator or an oven.
the vicar and his wife love pheasants.
The taxi driver lives in town; Danny lives in the country.
After the night that they poach Mr. Hazell’s pheasants, Danny and his father arrive home
on foot.
in a taxi.
in the Baby Austin.
in a carriage.
When Danny and his father return to the woods, Danny’s father
realizes that the pheasants might not fall out of the trees.
is worried that Danny might get shot by a keeper.
is afraid of falling into another pit.
is worried the pheasants will die from the sleeping powder.
After Doc Spencer sees Victor Hazell kick Spencer’s dog,
He pokes Mr. Hazell with a needle that isn’t sharp.
He refuses to have Victor Hazell as a patient ever again.
He offers free treatment to anyone who poaches from Mr. Haze
He puts sugar in Mr. Hazell’s gas tank.
How many pheasants do Danny and his father have at the end of the story?
How many pheasants do Danny and his father poach in Hazell’s wood?
According to Danny’s father, the best time to poach pheasants is __________.
twilight (before they roost)
What method does Doc Spencer use to catch trout?
He tickles them.
The method for catching pheasants that Danny invents is called ___________.
The Sleeping Beauty
The method for catching pheasants that involves a paper cone, glue, and raisins is called ________.
The Sticky Hat
Danny’s grandfather always tested his methods for catching pheasants on _________.
What kind of car did Danny drive to save his father?
A Baby Austin
What does the BFG carry in his suitcase?
a blowpipe
sleeping children
How was Roald Dahl injured during World War II?
His plane crashed over Libya.
In what country did Roald Dahl attend university?
Trick question! He didn't attend any university.
When Roald Dahl was 3 years old, two of his family members died. Who were they?
His father and his sister.