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American Tiger 1 - Story 1 - Game

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Can I have these....... please?
Can I have these CRAYONS, please?
Can I have this .......... please?
Can I have this BAG, please?
Can I have this ........... please?
Can I have this GLUE STICK, please?
Can I have these....... please?
Can I have these COLORED PENCILS, please?
Can I have this ...... please?
Can I have this SHARPENER, please?
Can I have these ...... please?
Can I have these SCISSORS, please?
Can I have thiS .....please?
Can I have this RULER, please?
Can I have this ....please?
Can I have this PENCIL, please?
Can I have this .... please?
Can I have this ERASER please?
Sue: CAN I HAVE THIS .........., PLEASE?
Can I have this RULER, please?
Jay: CAN I HAVE THIS .........., PLEASE?
Can I have this ERASER, please?
Sue: CAN I HAVE THIS .........., PLEASE?
Can I have this BAG, please?
Jay: CAN I HAVE THIS .........., PLEASE?
Can I have this PENCIL CASE, please?
Sue: CAN I HAVE THIS .........., PLEASE?
Can I have this PEN, please?
Jay: CAN I HAVE THIS .........., PLEASE?
Can I have this PENCIL, please?