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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Can you tell me the sports company ________ slogan is "Just do it?"
whose (Nike)
Can you tell me the name of one of the two companies _______helped develop "smart" cars?
that/which (Swatch)
Can you tell me the university ________ Facebook was invented?
where (Harvard)
Can you tell me the name of the company ______ logo is a piece of fruit?
whose (Apple)
Can you tell me the U.S. state _____ Apple has its headquarters?
where (California)
Can you tell me the city ______ you can find the Spanish Steps?
where (Rome)
Can you tell me the continent ________ has the largest population?
that/which (Asia)
Can you tell me the planet _____ Superman comes from?
where (Krypton)
Can you tell me the name of the actress _____ played Margaret Thatcher in the 2012 film The Iron Lady?
who (Meryl Streep)
Can you tell me the names of two actors ____ have played Batman?
who (Christian Bale and George Clooney)
Can you tell me the name of the famous artist _____ most famous work was the Mona Lisa?
whose (Leonardo da Vinci)
Can you tell me the name of the writer ______ wrote the James Bond books?
who (Ian Fleming)
Can you tell me the name of the painter _______ works of art included a can of soup?
whose (Andy Warhol)
Can you tell me the name of the person ______ wrote the Twilight series?
who (Stephenie Meyer)
Can you tell me the name of the stadium ______ the Chicago Cubs play?
where (Wrigley Field)
Can you tell me the sport ____________ is played at Wimbledon?
that / which (tennis)