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HCF and LCM word problems

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There are two loaf cakes. One is 40cm long and one is 24cm long. They want to cut the cake up and sell the slices, but all the slices must be equal. What is the largest slices that they can cut them into?
Sophie checks her bike for repairs every 9 days and Susan check hers every 12 days. If they both check their bikes today, after how many days do they next both check their bike again?
36 days
There are two loaf cakes. One is 35cm long and one is 27cm long. They want to cut the cake up and sell the slices, but all the slices must be equal. What is the largest slices that they can cut them into?
Derek advises a patient to have a scale every 4 months and a polish every 6 months. If they have a scale and polish today, how long will they wait before they can have both during the same appointment?
12 months
Two buses leave the station a the 9:00am Bus A does a 40 minute route continuously Bus B does a 28 minute loop continuously. At what time to the both leave the station again at the same time?
9:40, 10:20, 11:00, 11:40, 12:20, 13:00, 13:40 //// 9:28, 9:56, 10:24, 11:12, 11:40 Answer: 11:40
I have to pieces of metal, they are 48cm and 72cm long. I want to cut them both into equal length pieces. What is the largest each piece can be?
HCF of 48 and 72 is 24 so 24cm
A bus leaves Antrim bus station every 12 minutes. A train leaves Antrim train station every 18 minutes. At 8am a bus and a train leave the stations at the same time. When is the next time that a bus and a train leave at the same time?
The lowest common multiple of two numbers is 70. Both numbers are less than 20. Write down two possible numbers.
LCM of 5 and 14 or LCM of 7 and 10 or LCM of 10 and 14
A red light flashes every 6 seconds. A green light flashes every 15 seconds. A blue light flashes every 21 seconds. They have all flashed at the same time. After how many seconds will they next all flash at the same time?
All the lights will flash after 210 seconds.
A toad croaks every 8 seconds. A frog croaks every 6 seconds. They both croak at the same time. After how many seconds will they next both croak at the same time?
The toad and the frog will both croak after 24 seconds.