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Ecosystem- Inro
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Give an example of predators and prey.
Teacher check: lion- predator; gazelle- prey
Give an example of mutualism in an ecosystem.
Teacher check: bee and flower
Give an example of competition in an ecosystem.
Teacher check: animals competing for food
True or False: All ecosystems are the same size.
False: ecosystems come in many sizes.
What happens to matter and energy in an ecosystem?
Matter and energy are recycled and used over and over again in an ecosystem.
What would happen in an ecosystem if there were too many predators?
The predators would run out of food.
What would happen in an ecosystem if there were no predators?
The number of prey would grow too large for the amount of food available.
What is this image showing?
What is this image showing?
What is this image showing?
Predator and Prey
What are prey in an ecosystem?
Prey are eaten by predators.
What are predators in an ecosystem?
Predators eat other organisms for their energy.
What is competition in an ecosystem?
Competition is when animals compete for resources- usually space and food
What is mutualism in an ecosystem?
Mutualism is when two organisms interact and both are benefited.
Give two examples of abiotic factors in an ecosystem.
sunlight, soil, water, temperature, air pressure
Give two examples of biotic factors in an ecosystem.
plants, animals, fungi
What does abiotic mean?
Non-living factors in an ecosystem
What does biotic mean?
Living factors in an ecosystem
Explain why the sun is important for all ecosystems?
The sun provides the energy for the ecosystem.
What is the original source of energy for any ecosystem?