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My Heart

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TRUE OR FALSE - My veins are floppy.
TRUE OR FALSE - Arteries are thin tubes.
FALSE - Arteries are thick tubes.
What do veins do?
They move blood TO my heart.
What do arteries do?
They move blood AWAY from my heart.
Why do the valves open and close?
To keep the blood moving one way.
What are the gates between my heart chambers called?
The gates between my heart chambers are called "valves".
How many chambers does my heart have?
My heart has four chambers.
What happens every time my heart muscle squeezes?
Every time my heart muscle squeezes, it moves blood.
TRUE OR FALSE - My heart is mostly made of bones.
FALSE - My heart is actually mostly made of muscle.
What is blood?
Blood is how my body moves nutrients, oxygen, and some of its waste around.
TRUE OR FALSE - My heart stops working when I sleep.
FALSE - My heart never stops working.