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When they are older, the bears will be sold to zoos.
they'll be taken to a nature reserve
At the orphanage, the bears are thaught how to do tricks.
how to survive
The cubs are usually taken home as pets.
They're usually left to die.
Bears are almost extinct in Russia.
They are exctinct in the rest of Europe.
Brown bears are hunted because they are dangerous.
They're hunted for their meat and fur.
Yuri's mother was killed by the hunters' dog.
by the hunters
Correct the statement: Yuri was born in spring.
The place that Yuri was taken to
The Russian Bear Orphanage
The man who runs the bear orphanage
Valentin Pazhetnov
The place where the nature reserve is
A brown bear cub (name)
The man who wrote the letter
Fred O'Regan