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Plural of nouns
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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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There is a woman.
There are eight women.
There is a watch.
There are six watches.
There is a toy.
There are three toys.
There is a tomato.
There are three tomatoes.
There is a tooth.
There are some teeth.
There is a sister.
There are two sisters.
There is a singer.
There are three singers.
There is a person.
There are six people.
There is a pencil.
There are ten pencils.
There's a book.
There are four books.
There's a mouse.
There are two mice.
There is a man.
There are four men.
There is a guitar.
There are seven guitars.
There is a glass.
There are five glasses.
There is a friend.
There are six friends.
There is a foot.
There are six feet.
There is a family.
There are three families.
There is a child.
There are six children.
There is a bus.
There are two buses.
There is a box.
There are four boxes.
There is a bike.
There are six bikes.
There's a ball.
There are five balls.
There's a bag.
There are six bags.
There's a baby.
There are seven babies.