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Guess The Mascot

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What sit down restaurant has breakfast foods as their mascots?
What fast food restaurant has an Ice Cream Cone as their mascot?
Foster Freeze or Dairy Queen
What fast food restaurant has a bell on their sign?
Taco Bell
What fast food restaurant is known for their decorative red palm trees?
What pizza place has a game piece as the name of the restaurant?
Domino's Pizza
What animal mascot does Fresno City College have?
What animal does Reedley College have as a mascot?
Caruthers High School has what as their mascot?
Blue Raiders
Alvina Elementary School has what as their mascot?
What kind of dog does California State University of Fresno have as their mascot?
What sit down restaurant has a red bird as their mascot?
Red Robin
What restaurant has an oven mit as their mascot?
What fast food restaurant has a giant chili dog as their mascot?
What restaurant has a giant sandwich as their mascot?
What fast food restaurant has a star as their mascot?
Carl's Jr.
Which fast food restaurant has a happy face with a pointy hat as a mascot?
Jack In The Box
What pizza place has a giant rat as their mascot?
Chuck E Cheese
What fast food restaurant has a king as their mascot?
Burger King
What fast food restaurant has a old man with glasses on their sign?
Which fast food restaurant has a girl with two red pigtails?
What fast food restaurant has a clown as a mascot?