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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What is your friend's name?
My friend's name is Niva/Shai.
How old is Niva?/How old is Shai?
She (He) is ***
What's his name?
His name is Muzzy.
What's his name?
His name is Bob.
What's her name?
Her name is Sylvia.
Do you like soup?
Yes, I do./No, I don't.
What's Bob's job?
He is a gardener.
How old are you?
I am ***.
Как у тебя дела? - У меня хорошо, спасибо. А у тебя?
How are you? - I am fine, thank you. How are you?
How are you? -------
I am fine, thank you. How are you?
двадцать деревьев
twenty trees
восемнадцать кошек
eighteen cats
семнадцать велосипедов
seventeen bikes
пятнадцать аллигаторов
fifteen alligators
тринадцать пауков
thirteen spiders
двенадцать зонтиков
twelve umbrellas
одиннадцать горилл
eleven gorillas
Увидимся! (До встречи!)
See you!
What's this?
It's a bell. (This is a bell.)
What's this?
It's a clock. (This is a clock.)
What's this?
It's a spaceship. (This is a spaceship.)
What's this?
It's a ship. (This is a ship.)
космос, пространство
Is he hungry?
Yes, he is.
история, рассказ
a story
Is it a monster?
Yes, it is.
работа, профессия
What's your age? -----
I am seven. (I am ***.)
What is your name? -----
My name is Niva. (My name is ***.)
Уведите его!
Take him away!
Я имею розу. (У меня есть роза.)
I have got a rose.
Ты имеешь персик. (У тебя есть персик.)
You have got a peach.
Сильвия любИТ розы. (Сильвии нравятся розы.)
Sylvia likeS roses.
Садовник любИТ принцессу.
The gardener lovES the princess.
Он любИТ меня.
He loveS me.
Она знаЕТ меня.
She knowS me.
Ты знаешь меня.
You know me.
Я не знаю.
I don't know.
Сильвия любИТ Боба.
Sylvia loveS Bob.
Она любИТ виноград. (Ей нравится виноград.)
She likeS grapes.
Ты маленький.
You are small.
Боб смелый.
Bob is brave.
Король сильный.
The King is strong.
Можно мне умыться, пожалуйста?
Can I have a wash please?
Можно мне один гамбургер, пожалуйста?
Can I have a hamburger please?
Можно мне немного винограда?
Can I have some grapes?
Я люблю сливы. (Мне нравятся сливы.)
I like plums.