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Wayside school questions

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What does "Scream at the top of my lungs" mean?
To be afraid of something really bad and scream!
What does the Idiom "Sleep on it" mean?
To think about something overnight, before deciding.
What does "Scratch an Itch" mean?
To have an skin irritation.
What does "Exceptional" mean?
Outstanding & amazing.
What does "Driveway" mean?
An area in front of garage.
What does "Rear- View Mirror" mean?
A small angled mirror that helps drivers to see the road behind them.
What does "Blurt Out" mean?
To say something suddenly, and without thinking 
What does "GROSS" mean?
Disgusting, not acceptable
By the end of her first day as a substitute teacher, Miss Nogard had all the students feeling ----.
glum and blah
Miss Nogard became ----.
a substitute teacher
Why did Xavier leave Wendy?
Because of her 3rd ear
Wendy could ---
hear thoughts
Wendy had an extra -----.
Dr. Payne ran away because ------.
) she owed Mrs. Drazil homework.
Dr. Payne hurt her -----.
Her ankle
Dr. Payne's pets' names were -----.
Brussels and Sprouts
Dr. Payne drilled teeth just to make money
True or False?
The dentist's name was-----.
Dr. Payne
Jason left school early to go to .....
the dentist
The elevators worked -----
only once
Everyone cheered when Mr. Kidswatter announced -----.
that elevators had been installed
Miss Zarves was having trouble teaching her lesson because ----.
there was a cow in her class
Miss Zarves taught her students -----.